The peoples’ one Supreme Court of
the County

The root of the peoples’ power stems from their right to set their own courts which include only 
the people and the Sheriff (no attorneys!).

The videos below at the bottom of the page are of Leroy Schweitzer. If you listen to anyone 
having to do with the corporation, they will marginalize, minimize and castigate him as a wild eyed, white supremacist, armed and dangerous, fringe lunatic. I knew the man and spent a significant amount of time with him, enough to know that those are all lies and smear tactics.

The fact is, he was one of the most learned and knowledgable persons on the face of the earth 
as it relates to the organic law and heritage of the republic. I can attest to this, personally having spent the equivalent of almost a week during two separate visits, getting intense training from him and the other ‘Montana Freemen’.

His knowledge and activity was deemed such a threat to the status quo corporate mafia 
government, that he was tortured and later died in a maximum security prison known as ‘SuperMax’ in Colorado. Read his story in the book about the Montana Freemen. Every American needs to know this story.
Check the forum for further updates on this critical subject matter.

As for the usurpation of local authority, among the several states, by the municipal corporation 
known as the UNITED STATES and its various subdivisions, the best research we have seen is the research done by Schweitzer and his team.

We present here, their work, and we formally request reply with either acquiescence or rebuttal 
from the U.S. federal judiciary.  After 20 years, the presentment stands unrebutted.


The book below is must reading for all Americans. The true story of the Montana Freeman must 
live in the hearts of all Americans and we cannot let it die. It is fascinating, compelling and revealing! It’s a short and easy read!

If you care to read a detailed account of my personal interactions and what I learned with the Freemen, among many other interesting and educational stories, get my book: ONE FREEMANS WAR IN THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Find out more at