Local Control vs. the Feds

If you haven’t already done so, please download ‘The Plan to Restore the Republic’ and read it carefully. This is the basis for what we are talking about here. To download the pdf - Click Here

It is becoming increasingly obvious that our lawful republic, our nation of laws which is designed to protect and preserve our rights, our peace and everyones’ equal right to seek and achieve a good life, is being dismantled by foreign money powers who own the elected or appointed ‘officials’ who in turn hold themselves above the law.

We get news every day how elected leaders routinely lie to the people and as soon as they get elected their first vote is contrary to their platform. We hear how the courts do not honor the law and are merely used as political weapons to be used to preserve the ‘business’ of those in power and the people are trampled in court.

We also see how police can routinely commit murder and get away with it when the ‘system’ protects them as a ‘special class’ which is above the law. We all know the stories (or should).

This has to change. It can only change if you, your friends and associates, and your entire community stand up and do something about it. YOU must take control of your community, your city elders, your police and the courts. I said YOU not ‘somebody else’!

Until these people know first hand, that the people are in control and will hold them accountable, they will simply continue raping and pillaging the public with criminal activity! It’s up to you! What are you going to do about it?

It starts with your local Lighthouse Law Club chapter. Start with a core group of concerned citizens meeting on a regular basis. Communicate in between meetings via Skype or web conference. Study & learn the law and the obligations of your public officials. Network with other groups of a like mind. Do some research and find out what other groups exist in your area who might share your concerns and network with them to form a coalition to retake control of your community from foreign corporations. ‘Foreign’ is used to mean apart and distinct from the peoples’ common law which exists in the republic, i.e. municipal corporation as a subdivision of USA Inc.

As a part of your ‘Coalition Building’ your top priority is to align with other like minded civic groups to get some numbers represented, then go get your Sheriff working with you. He needs to understand who you are, what you do, what your aims are and that you are there to support him in the execution of his lawful duties. He needs to know that he has support to do ‘the right thing’. As the highest law officer in the county, he has the right and the duty to quash unlawful activity (Fed agency mischief) and to either arrest or expel perpetrators of unlawful activity.

There have been several documented cases of the local county Sheriff telling the feds to pack up and take the next plane out of Dodge! This is what we need and we can do this.

Please inform your sheriff that you expect him to join and participate in the ‘Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officers’ Association’ www.cspoa.org and Oath Keepers found at www.oathkeepers.org Get to know the deputies and invite them to your Law Club meetings. Meet with them either formally or informally just to chat and build relationships. If they resist your invitations or seem contrary to your intended goals, then this should raise a huge red flag and the public would need to know this and start questioning their allegiances!

The root of the peoples’ power stems from their right to set their own courts which include only the people and the Sheriff (no attorneys or STATE!). We’ll deal with this critically important issue separately on the other pages in this section.

As for the usurpation of local authority, among the several states, by the municipal corporation known as the UNITED STATES and its various subdivisions, the best research we have seen is that which was done by Leroy Schweitzer and his team.

We present here, their work, and we formally request reply with either acquiescence or point for point rebuttal from the U.S. federal judiciary.


Study this ‘Presentment’ in detail. It is stellar and will form your basis of understanding what the feds ‘Can’ and ‘Cannot’ do. This is essential learning.

Next, we have a wonderful treatment of the Sheriff’s responsibilities written by one of the Montana Freemen while he was in jail corresponding with the county Sheriff.

This is a Must Read! Click Here for Brief in Support of Lawful discharge of Sheriff´s duties

The book below is must reading for all Americans. The true story of the Montana Freeman must live in the hearts of all Americans and we cannot let it die. It is fascinating, compelling and revealing! It’s a short and easy read!

If you care to read a detailed account of my personal interactions with the Freemen, among many other interesting and educational stories, get the book: ONE FREEMANS WAR IN THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Find out more at www.onefreemanswar.com